Its the Story of 'Sugni', born in bedia tribe, young Sugani is also being made to realize that she is no exception and she will have to do the same what her mother has been doing so far-'Rai and prostitution' but since Sugni is a little literate and has got decent knowledge about the world outside her tribe, she knows about the life of other women who live their lives with pride, unlike a Bedni; those who are someone's daughter, someone's sister, and someone's lawful wife... those who reside in the 'Homes' and lead a life which is well protected by a roof of relations over their heads, unlike a Bedni who is meant to be the amusement for all the men of the vicinity. Sugni wants the same roof of relations for herself. She aspires to become a bride, desires to become a daughter-in-law, she wants to be a 'one man' woman instead of someone who belongs to all the men. No other Bedni has ever dared to dream of her own wedding instead of performing at others' weddings. But that's what Sugni dreams of-'getting married!'

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